A report published Wednesday by the World Health Organization said that the mutated Indian strain of Corona virus was detected, according to official and unofficial information, in sixty regions around the world.
According to France 24, the organization said that the mutated version of the virus has demonstrated a greater ability to spread, but verification of the severity of the disease it causes and the risk of infection is still underway.
She added that she had received information from official sources about the spread of the mutated strain "B 1.617" that was detected in India in 53 regions, and unofficial ones about its presence in seven regions, bringing the total number to sixty.
Updated figures for the World Health Organization (WHO) provided information on the four mutations classified as mutant strains of concern to the virus, which are those that were first reported in Britain (B1.1.7), South Africa (B1,351), Brazil (B1) and India (B1,617).
When calculating the total number of regions that reported each variable, the World Health Organization collected official and unofficial information it had.
The mutated strain "B1.7", discovered in Britain, was detected in 149 regions, and the mutated "B1" (Brazil) was detected in 59 regions. As for the strain that appeared in India, the organization decided to divide it into three strains, which are "B 1.617.1", "B 1.617.2" and "B 1.617.3".
The first injuries were detected in 41 regions, the second in 54 regions, and the third in six regions, namely Britain, Canada, Germany, India, Russia and the United States.
In total, infections with the three strains were recorded in 53 regions, according to official figures, and in seven other regions, according to unofficial information.
The updated information included six important mutated types of the virus that are being monitored, the first of which was detected for the first time in several countries, while two others were infected in the United States, and the other three were discovered in Brazil, the Philippines and France. "The development of the virus is expected and the more SARS-Cove-2 spreads, the greater the chances of it developing," the report said.
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